The Shop System is very complete yet light and easy-to-use Point Of Sale (POS) software application that allows you to keep full control of your small business or branch with regard to the sales, item stocks, suppliers, purchase orders, and more. The program is designed to work independently as an automatic till (it can make out receipts for your customers) and to be used as a standalone application.
The Shop System relies on an internal database where it stores all your business-related information. As soon as you run the program, it shows you a clean main interface ready to start making sales. However, you should start by feeding the database with suppliers, items, and (optionally) categories, in order to be really able to generate a receipt. As for the suppliers, you are allowed to add detailed information about them - a supplier's code, their name, full address, telephone, fax, account number, e-mail, and website. Items can also contain an item code, a name, retail price, selling price, purchase price, whether it is a taxed item or not, its supplier and category, if it is a website item, a bar code, opening balance (the initial stock), as well as a reorder point and the reorder quantity. In addition, you can also provide short and long descriptions for the item in question, and even a thumbnail and a full size images for it.
Once you are done with your suppliers and items, you can proceed to record sales. For each sale you can search for your items by code or description, and specify the quantity, the selling price (you can change on the fly if it does not match the one you recorded on the database), and a comment. You can also delete any of the items in case you have made a mistake, or directly proceed to confirm or cancel the sell. The program also provides a contacts module that you can use to record your customer's information, which can then be included later on the receipt generation screen. Moreover, you are also allowed to print the generated receipt.
It is very important to note that the program is specially designed to manage item stocks - thus you will always know with total accuracy when you need to restock an item. Finally, it provides a series of very helpful pre-designed reports about you stocks, reorders, and transactions as well. You can also set up different payment methods and sale types, define customized headers for the reports and set an Administrator Password. This program will, for sure, come in very handy for anyone owning or managing a small business or a branch.